Course Description

Note: This course has pay-what-you-can pricing. Scroll to bottom for different pricing options.


Are you ready to take the first step to explore Mariposa Sacred Sexuality and get turned ON for life? 

Imagine creating the love and life you secretly crave.

Imagine feeling joyful, passionate, and turned ON for life!


Join Courtney Fae Long, Creator of Mariposa Sacred Sexuality to...

Unleash Your Sacred Sexual Superpower to Create the Love and Life You Secretly Crave

A 22-Day Online Immersion with Courtney Fae Long

Inspiration and classes designed to fit around your busy schedule.
Starts Thursday, October 8, 2020

During this 22-day journey, you will:

* Start to awaken your hidden superpower - your sacred sexual energy 

* Align with your soul's highest vision for your love life, career, sacred sex life, and more (a vision that lights you up inside)

* Walk away with specific, tangible action steps that you can take now to bring your vision into reality, so you can create the love and life you crave (for real!)

* Feel inspired and empowered in yourself and your sacred sexuality, so you can show up more confidently in the world

* Enjoy happy surprises along the way!



Week 1: Discover Mariposa Sacred Sexuality

Live Kickoff on Zoom with Courtney ($88 value)

Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 3pm PT/AZ; 4pm MT; 5pm CT; 6pm ET. Attend live or watch the replay.

Then Watch Mariposa Intro Class (90 mins) this week at your own convenience. 


Class Intentions:

* Start to awaken your sacred, sexual energy through this powerful introduction to Mariposa Sacred Sexuality™

* Discover the basics about Mariposa Sacred Sexuality™ and how it can dramatically improve your health, happiness, relationships, abundance, and fulfillment

* Discover what sex was really meant for (the original, soulful purpose of sex) and ancient societies that practiced sacred sexuality 

* Debunk 8 common myths about sex that have kept you locked in a life that is dull, rather than vibrant, colorful, joyful, and passionate

* Learn the first technique to start practicing Mariposa Sacred Sexuality™ now (Sacred Sexual Embodiment Exercise "Vibe Up Your Sex Life")

Also enjoy a mini meditation to Unlock Your Sacred Sexual Energy.

Week 2: Soul Alignment: Create the Love and Life You Secretly Crave 

Live Group Coaching Session on Zoom with Courtney ($222 value)

Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 3pm PT/AZ; 4pm MT; 5pm CT; 6pm ET. Attend live or watch the replay.

Are you feeling a stirring in your heart, a deep knowing that something in your life needs to change? 

Through a powerful guided meditation and coaching from Courtney, you'll access the wisdom of your soul from a high vibration of love, joy, and abundance (beyond mind, ego, fear, and limitation).

Experience your soul's vision for your Happy, Healthy, Hot, Sexy, Sizzling Life.  

Receive important, life-changing insights about your love life, sex life, career, and life overall, so you can get turned ON for life. 

The Universe is asking us (or rather demanding) that we evolve and step up to the plate. We can no longer settle for living a dull, disempowered version of ourselves or our life.

We are meant to be turned on, lit up, and overflowing with love, passion, vibrant health, and joy as we make a difference on this planet. ❤ 

Feel empowered and inspired to align with your soul and live the joyful, hot, turned ON life you are meant to live!


Week 3: Mariposa Sacred Sexuality Wheel of Fulfillment

Live Group Coaching on Zoom with Courtney ($222 value)

Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 3pm PT/AZ; 4pm MT; 5pm CT; 6pm ET. Attend live or watch the replay.

Do you want to be deeply fulfilled in all areas of your life (romance, career, money, health, family, etc)? 

Do you want to feel joyful, vibrant, hot, sexy, and overflowing with love?

Discover the Mariposa Sacred Sexuality Wheel of Fulfillment. 

Explore what's currently happening in 12 essential aspects of your life and what action steps you can take now to create the love and life you crave.

Discover how igniting your sacred sexual energy can improve your entire life. Feel inspired to get your Orgasmic GLOW on and go from stressed to sexified!

Bonus #1: Private Session: Mariposa Sacred Sexuality - What's Next? ($297 value)

Once the program is complete, receive a Bonus Private Session on Zoom (45-60 mins) with Ashley Butler, Director of Magical Experiences.

Ashley will help you integrate all the AHA's and insights you received during the program. Together, you'll explore the next steps for your journey of Sacred Sexuality and self-empowerment. 

Ashley will make professional recommendations on specific action steps that will help you reach your personal goals and intentions. If you'd like to continue your journey with Mariposa Sacred Sexuality, Ashley will invite you to the next class that is best suited for you.

Bonus #2: Private Virtual Community ($111 value)

Ask questions, share your latest AHA's, interact with other participants, and receive ongoing inspiration and support in our 22-Day Immersion Private Virtual Community (a hidden, confidential Facebook Group).

Energy Exchange

Total Program Value = $1074

Your Price = Pay-what-you-can ($222, $155 or $97)

To honor you, choose which price feels in alignment for you (everyone will receive the same program)

222 Meaning = Love, romance, partnership, high vibes, and positivity

155 Meaning = Positive changes, new beginning, and soul alignment

97 Meaning = Spiritual awakening, freedom, success, and fulfillment

Scroll to bottom to choose your price and register!

Questions? Wondering if the program is right for you? Click Here to Contact Courtney

Sexuality Educator Courtney Fae Long

Courtney Fae Long is a Sexuality Educator and Author who has been teaching for 25 years. Courtney holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) and certificates in Sexuality Education and Sex Therapy from the University of Michigan. Courtney guides you to light your sexual fire so you can be happy and abundant in ALL areas of life - business/career, love, sex, and money.

Course curriculum

    1. Save the Dates

    1. Kickoff Class

    1. Week 1 Action Steps

    1. Guidebook: Intro Class

    2. Video 1: Sacred Intentions

    3. Video 2: The Magic of Mariposa Sacred Sexuality™

    4. Mini Meditation: Unlock Your Sacred Sexual Energy

    5. Video 3: Mind-Blowing, Earth-Shattering Sex

    6. Video 4: Busting 8 Sex Myths

    7. Video 5: Ordinary Sex vs. Mariposa

    8. Video 6: The Original, Soulful Purpose of Sex

    9. Video 7: Sacred Sexual Embodiment Exercise: Vibe Up Your Sex Life

    1. Week 2 Action Steps

    1. Description of Group Coaching

    2. Video: Group Coaching #1

About this course

  • $222.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.