For Spiritual, Sexual, Sensitive Couples and Singles...

Finally... Create the Magical Sex, Deep Connection, Joyful Intimacy, and Overflowing Love That Your Soul Craves

Are you unsatisfied sexually or not having much sex at all? 

Do you feel like you're not on the same page as your partner? Or are you single and wanting to manifest your partner?

Would you love to experience mind-blowing, earth-shattering sex that skyrockets your vibration and boosts your confidence, creativity, joy, health, spiritual connection, and financial abundance?

Does this sound like you?

  • Successful in your business or career, but tired of working so hard (too much work, not enough play and pleasure!)

  • You’re unsatisfied sexually or not having much sex at all (gasp!); Responsibilities are taking priority over your sex life and love life.

  • You’re not having mind-blowing, earth-shattering sex (whether with a partner or solo) that skyrockets your vibration and boosts your confidence, creativity, joy, health, spiritual connection, and money flow

  • Life is dull rather than vibrant and passionate. You’re not feeling turned on for life! You seem happy on the outside, but inside you’re not truly happy or fulfilled.

  • You feel stressed instead of sexy; you're stuck in self-doubt and want to feel more confident

It's OK to want MORE.

You don't have to settle for ordinary or mediocre sex.

Through my sexual and spiritual awakening over the last 20 years, I've learned that...

It's OK to want MORE.

  • More love
  • More connection
  • More joy
  • More orgasms
  • More kisses
  • More pleasure
  • More touch
  • More money
  • More people to help
  • More opportunities to fulfill your purpose
  • Or whatever your craving for "more" is

Our desire for more sex (and better sex) is a calling from our soul.

What happens (or doesn't happen) in the bedroom impacts our entire life. 

Our sexual energy impacts our happiness, health, confidence, life purpose, and money flow.

Some call it life force. Others call it kundalini. I call it "sexual fire."

Our sexual fire is our soul essence flowing through our physical body. It creates our inner glow and a feeling of happiness, health, and ALIVENESS.

Our sexual fire is what we use to CREATE with, whether creating babies, love and connection, opportunities to fulfill our purpose, money, or anything else.

Lovemaking is NOT a luxury. It is a MUST.

A vibrant sex life is the key to a vibrant relationship and vibrant life!

A thriving, vibrant sex life is the key to:

  • Happiness, health, and vibrant energy
  • Love and deep connection in your romantic relationship
  • Wealth and financial abundance
  • Showing up in the world with confidence
  • Spiritual connection with God/Source/Spirit/Universe
  • Feeling passionately on fire for fulfilling your purpose!

We are meant for MORE sex and BETTER sex.

For Couples and Singles

Join me, Courtney Fae Long, for an exciting spiritual adventure

Note: If you’re in partnership and your partner wouldn’t be open to this class, you can do this class by yourself and it will make a remarkable difference in you, which will make a remarkable difference in your relationship and sexual experiences with your partner. 

If you are single, there's never a better time to learn about your own sexual energy for your own self-love and confidence (confidence is the sexiest quality!) and to prepare for a hotter sex life in your future relationship. The journey to better sex starts with you.

This class is LGBTQ friendly!

What You Can Expect

In this exciting journey, you’ll discover how to:

  • Start to awaken your sexual fire, which can dramatically improve your happiness, health, relationship(s), success, fulfillment, money flow, and abundance

  • Uplevel your love life and sex life to create the love and deep connection you crave

  • Deepen pleasure for both you and your partner both inside and outside the bedroom (If you’re single, this applies to you too!)

  • Honor your soul’s unique roadmap to experiencing mind-blowing, earth-shattering pleasure and ecstasy in your own authentic way

  • Feel hot, sexy, and turned on for life (and get your spark back if you’ve lost it - yes, even if you're in perimenopause or menopause!)

  • Create free time in your life for pleasure so you can be happy, healthy, and deeply fulfilled

  • This is not just a class. It’s an adventure for your soul and the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do for your love life and sex life this year.

When Does the Magic Start?

Now! Classes are available for instant download.

You'll enjoy 8 video classes (90 mins each), which are available NOW for immediate viewing.

Watch at your own pace. If you are short on time, watch in smaller 15-20 increments. 

What You Receive

  • Revolutionary Teachings

    Although sexuality has been repressed, it's time to take our power back and cultivate this potent energy to fuel our happiness, health, money, abundance, love, and life purpose. You won't hear these teachings anywhere else.

  • 15 GLOW Practices

    GLOW Practices amplify the glow of your sexual fire. They combine meditation, sexual pleasure, visualization, and hypnotherapy techniques to free your subconscious mind. Each GLOW Practice can be done solo or with a partner.

  • Optional Private Sessions

    Want personalized support from Courtney? Add on private coaching sessions on Zoom or an in-person private retreat in Sedona, Arizona or Kauai, Hawaii (additional fees apply). Inquire with Courtney for details.

After 25 years of teaching and deep spiritual and sexual exploration, I have finally discovered the 7 keys to make magic in the bedroom so you can experience the love and deep connection you crave!

Class #1

Deeply Fulfilling Sex: Uplevel from a 1-Course Meal to a 7-Course Feast

  • Common Mistake = Sex is 1-dimensional (focus is on intercourse and goal = orgasm), which often results in rushing, lack of pleasure, lack of orgasms (especially for women), mis-matched timing between partners, and disappointing experiences

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • How to go from ordinary sex to experiencing the art of meaningful, magical, mind-blowing sex

  • How to uplevel your love life and sex life to create love and deep connection

  • 11 Different Types of Sexual Experiences and how to create each

  • How to raise the vibration of your sex life: Sex can be nourishing, fulfilling, elevating, exciting, deeply connected, etc (be prepared to have your mind blown wide open to an expanded view of what “sex” actually is and can be)

  • Debunk 8 common myths about sex that have kept you locked in a life that is dull, rather than vibrant, colorful, joyful, and passionate

  • Explore how to enjoy All-Day Foreplay and Flirtation with your partner

Class #2

Prioritize Pleasure for Love & Deep Connection

  • Common Mistake = Saving pleasure for last on our to-do list (if and only IF we have time or energy at the end of the day). Work or responsibilities taking priority over your love life and sex life, resulting in feeling exhausted, stressed, over-worked, under-pleasured, unhappy, unsatisfied sexually, and disconnected from your partner, yourself, and the Divine (God/Source/Spirit/Universe).

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • How to deepen pleasure for both you and your partner both inside and outside the bedroom

  • How to fill your Pleasure Tank with 3 distinct forms of pleasure so you can feel happy, healthy, energized, and turned on (rather than stressed, exhausted and depleted)

  • The 3 Sacred Steps to Prepare for Pleasure (so you can set aside stress, be present in your body, and connected to your soul)

  • How to clear guilt at a subconscious level

  • 8 Pleasure Principles for Partners for mind-blowing sex and pleasure with your partner

Class #3

Light Your Sexual Fire: Feel Sexy and Turned On

  • Common Mistake = Tolerating a dull sexual fire, low libido, or lack of interest in sex. Not knowing what truly turns you on and what truly turns your partner on. If you are not craving sex, it could mean that the sex you're having is not everything you are craving. Perhaps you are craving something "more," even if you're not sure what that more looks like. Let's go deeper and look at what you deeply desire in all 4 realms: emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical.

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • Honor your soul's unique roadmap to experiencing mind-blowing, earth-shattering pleasure and ecstasy in your own authentic way

  • A fun process to identify and feed your deepest desires (both sexual and non-sexual)

  • How to light your sexual fire to feel sexy, hot, and turned on (and get your spark back if you’ve lost it, even if you're in perimenopause or menopause)

  • The easy and sexy solution to “What if my partner wants more (or less) sex than me?” How to get on the same page as your partner (Note: There is nothing wrong with either of you. Desire discrepancy is the most common sexual challenge for couples!)

  • Libido Boosters to build your sexual fire (I'll share common ones based on both science and spirituality, and through a meditation, we'll create space for you to call on your higher self (soul) and tune in deeply to your own unique ways to light your sexual fire)

  • How to avoid the most common Libido Dimmers, based on scientific sexuality research

  • Feel energized and turned on for life!

Class #4

The Erotic Eight: 8 Steps to Experience Ecstasy

  • Common Mistake = Settling for mediocre or ordinary sex and not realizing that the glow of your sexual fire extends beyond the bedroom and impacts how you show up in the world, including your happiness, health, confidence, ability to fulfill your purpose, money, and wealth

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • The 8 fun and erotic steps to create super special sexual experiences with your partner and/or solo by yourself

  • How to tune into what you crave and tune into your partner so you can let the magic unfold in every moment

  • How to tune into sexual energy

  • The real difference between “having sex” and “making love” so you can amplify the love and passion

Class #5

Create Free Time for Pleasure and Long, Luxurious Lovemaking Sessions

  • Common Mistake = Lack of free time for pleasure and sex. Work or responsibilities taking priority over your love life and sex life, resulting in feeling exhausted, stressed, over-worked, under-pleasured, unhappy, unsatisfied sexually, and disconnected from your partner, yourself, and the Divine (God/Source/Spirit/Universe).

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • The 6 essential keys to clear your calendar and create FREE TIME in your life for pleasure, fun, lovemaking, joy, and self-care so you can be happy, healthy, and deeply fulfilled (no matter how busy you are and even if you have kids)

  • Go from over-working, over-giving, pushing, and struggling to experiencing the bliss of work-play-pleasure balance

Class #6

Relax and Receive and Watch the Attraction and Passion Amplify

  • Common Mistake = Overgiving and taking care of everyone else

  • Have you lost the spark in your relationship? When feminine (receptive) energy is missing from the way we make love, we feel depleted, exhausted, on the verge of burnout, and disconnected from ourselves and our partner. Feminine energy is the buzz nowadays. But do you understand what it really is, how it feels, and how and when to actually BE in your feminine energy (regardless of your gender)?

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • How to balance giving and receiving so you can create nourishing, uplifting, meaningful sexual experiences that leave you and your partner glowing with love and joy

  • How to embody your feminine energy so you can become magnetic and attract love (rather than repel it by pushing and striving with your masculine energy)

  • How to open, surrender, relax, and receive

  • How to drive your partner wild with your glow and magnetism!

  • Feminine Embodiment Exercises so you can experience how your feminine energy feels and operates in your daily life and sexual experiences

  • Masculine Embodiment Exercises so you can experience how your masculine energy feels and operates in your daily life and sexual experiences

Class #7

Intimacy: Souls Intertwined in a Sacred Dance of Love

  • Common Mistake = Lack of Emotional Intimacy and Spiritual Intimacy; Sex is mostly physical, not meaningful, heartfelt, or spiritual.

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • How to create the emotional and spiritual intimacy you crave

  • How to connect from the heart and tap into the spiritual side of sexuality with or without a partner

  • How to create a deeply satisfying, sacred sex life and love life!

Bonus Celebration Class

  • In this class, you'll discover:

  • Integration and Anchoring of AHA's: Gain a deeper understanding of the 7 keys to making magic in the bedroom and how these principles can positively impact your happiness, health, relationships, success, fulfillment, money flow, and abundance.

  • Reflection and Transformation: Through guided reflection on your biggest AHAs and insights from the course, experience personal transformation and growth, gaining clarity on how to apply these learnings to your own life.

  • Empowerment and Implementation: Receive practical tools, including a checklist of all 15 GLOW Practices and a guidebook summarizing key highlights from our 7-part journey, to empower you to continue your journey of deepening pleasure, enhancing intimacy, and experiencing lasting fulfillment in both your love life and sex life.

Client Success Stories

Courtney saved our marriage!

Christine & Steve

"We were miserable in our relationship and considering divorce. Courtney saved our marriage and made us stronger as individuals and as a couple. If we had not crossed paths with Courtney, life would feel MUCH less exciting, hopeful, bright and limitless. We now wholeheartedly accept the magic that life has to offer."

More Love, Passion, and Pleasure!

Nathan Ho, Clairvoyant Healer and Educator

“Mariposa Sacred Sexuality has led me to love myself and my partner on all levels and this translates into living life more passionately, more lovingly, and more pleasurably. I'm more confident, more loving, and feel so much more intuitive and inspired. I'm glowing on all levels energetically, which translates to feeling supercharged from the inside-out.”

I've Gotten My Spark Back!


"Mariposa Sacred Sexuality is such a unique and powerful program. What Courtney is teaching is groundbreaking. I loved learning all the connections between sexual energy and the rest of my life - including abundance. Sexual energy impacts far more than I would have considered. Nobody teaches what Courtney is teaching. You can't find it anywhere else. It's so valuable. I've had more consistent orgasms. The kind of orgasms that are clearing of everything in my system. I’ve gotten my spark back!"

I Called in an Awesome Relationship!

70-year-old widow

“I took the Mariposa Sacred Sexuality class because I was ready to allow a new, awesome partner to come into my life. I was left a widow after my husband of 50 years passed away. If you are READY to make a shift in your sexuality, Mariposa Sacred Sexuality is a perfect course to move you to a new level. I love to listen to Courtney be so completely open and casual in talking about the deepest aspects of sexuality! Makes it easier for me to do it too. Courtney taught me to be able to talk openly about all kinds of intimate things. I met an awesome man, and we are so in love. I am giddy like a teenager again! I can't believe I am participating in this love affair at this level. I am SO happy!"

Ready to light your sexual fire?

You’ve created success in many areas of your life – career, money, friendships, family, and more.

Are you ready to create success in your relationship and sex life too? 

I imagine you’ve explored sooo many self-development and spiritual topics.  

But, have you learned how to create a more fulfilling, meaningful, hot, magical sex life? Have you explored the spiritual side of sexuality?  

Now is your time to focus on this one area that has not received enough of your attention. 


This is an investment in your relationship and sex life - now and for years to come. Regular price = $1111. I want to make it easy for you!

It's Time to Revolutionize the Way We Make Love

There is no more time to waste in settling for mediocre sex and love. How much longer will you tolerate being unhappy and sexually unsatisfied? Claim your spot today!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Is it worth it?

As a bonus, lighting your sexual fire can dramatically improve your happiness, health, confidence, and money flow.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I want you to be happy with the class. If you watch the first few classes and the material does not resonate with you, cancel within the first 30 days of enrolling and receive a full refund. Happiness guaranteed.

Replay of Free Class

4 Mistakes that Prevent Magic from Happening in the Bedroom and Keep Us Disconnected from our Partner and Unsatisfied Sexually


  • What if I'm single?

    This class is for both couples and singles. Every teaching is geared toward both couples and singles. Every GLOW Practice that you learn in the class has 2 versions: 1 for individuals and 1 for couples. If you are single, there's never a better time to learn about your own sexual energy for your own self-love and confidence (confidence is the sexiest quality!) and to prepare for a hotter sex life in your future relationship, whether by yourself or with a partner (or both). Our sexual energy is about us, not about a partner. Most of us haven’t learned how our sexual energy feels and flows within our own body, and we must learn this first before trying to share our sexual energy with a partner. The journey to better sex starts with us.

  • What if my partner won't do the class with me?

    That is common and totally OK. If you’re in partnership and your partner wouldn’t be open to this class, you can do this class by yourself and it will make a remarkable difference in you, which will make a remarkable difference in your relationship and sexual experiences with your partner.

  • What if my partner wants to do the class with me? Do we have to pay extra?

    That's great! As a couple, you can register together for 1 price ($777- just choose which one of you will get the email reminders and login access), then you can watch the class together. Or if you have different schedules and need to watch separately, that is OK too. Just be sure to make time to talk about the class and implement the GLOW Practices. Optional but not required: If you both want login access, then you are welcome to each pay for the class individually ($777 x 2 = $1554 total).

  • How interactive is the class? Will I receive the support I need?

    You’ll receive high-vibration, engaging video classes that you can watch at your own convenience. If you want deeper dive support, you are welcome to add on a bundle of private sessions with me or in-person private retreat in Sedona, Arizona or Kauai, Hawaii (for more details at email me at courtney @ (with no spaces)).

  • What if I feel shy or self-conscious about talking about sex?

    I understand completely. Sexuality can be a private and sensitive subject. I want you to feel safe and get the most out of this experience. You don't have to share anything you don't want to. After watching the classes, you can fill out an anonymous form to anonymously ask questions or share your experiences.

  • What if I want private coaching sessions?

    You are welcome to add a bundle of private coaching sessions with me to deepen and enhance your experience (for couples or singles). Or you can apply to add a 1-3 day in-person retreat in Sedona, Arizona or Kauai, Hawaii. Email me for more info at courtney @ (with no spaces).

  • What if I’ve already studied other kinds of sacred sexuality?

    That’s great! You’ll have a great foundation of knowledge that can potentially enhance your experience. If your heart is calling you to this class, there is a reason. Trust it. Mariposa Sacred Sexuality™ is a unique, one-of-a-kind system that is different from other sacred sexuality teachings out there. Mariposa focuses on creating an explosion of love and joy within your body and within your life. You will definitely learn new, beautiful teachings and practices that will help you transform your life and light your sexual fire in all new ways. We focus on embodiment, intuitive guidance (rather than cookie-cutter methods or rules), GLOW Practices, clearing ancient subconscious blocks, and more. If you have questions, feel free to email me at courtney @ (with no spaces).

  • I think I'll wait and do this later. Is that OK?

    It may be ok with your mind or ego, but is it really ok with your soul? The mind will always come up with excuses for why you shouldn’t do the program, including excuses around time. Just know that your subconscious mind is trying to protect you from change, because it fears the unknown. However, your soul is brave and LOVES stepping into the unknown. It knows that is where the magic happens. How is waiting or procrastinating serving you? What are you waiting for? To be even more sexually unsatisfied? To be even lonelier or more shut down or unhappy? What will it take for you to prioritize yourself and prioritize pleasure? When will you put your foot down and decide that now is your time? You have no time to waste. Your happiness depends on this. Your love life depends on this. The time to light your sexual fire is NOW.

You deserve it.

In a society that values PRODUCTIVITY over PLEASURE, it takes COURAGE to say "YES" to pleasure and PASSION in your sex life. Be bold and courageous.