Love Activation: Open Your Heart

Activate the sacred power of LOVE in your heart, your work, your sacred sexual experiences, and your life!

Join Courtney Fae Long on 2/22/22 for a class and Mariposa Magical Meditation with special guests the Angels, Fairies, Unicorns, Dragons, and Stars!

Intentions of Meditation

In this Magical Mariposa Meditation and Energy Activation, you will:

  • Unleash the LOVE hidden deep within your body, including your cells, DNA, sacred genitals, wombspace, and heart

  • Naturally attract and magnetize the loving romantic relationship of your dreams

  • Deepen your self-love and the love you experience in ALL your relationships

  • Embody your Higher Self, also known as your Magical, Authentic, Abundant, Sexual Self

  • Connect with the Angels, Fairies, Unicorns, Dragons, and Stars

  • Receive important insights and divine guidance for your life, including how to experience authentic love

  • Rejuvenate your body, recharge your batteries, and raise your vibration to LOVE, joy, and abundance

  • Heal your heart from past hurts and clear subconscious blocks that were preventing you from experiencing authentic love

Live on Zoom Tuesday 2/22/22

at 4pm PT; 5pm AZ/MT; 6pm CT; 7pm ET

Can't make it live? No worries. Sign up and you will receive the replay after!

What is Included?

You will receive:

  • 1 LIVE class & magical meditation on Zoom with Courtney (1.5 - 2 hrs) (value =$222)

  • Replay of video class and meditation plus downloadable meditation audio to listen to again and again (value = $44)

  • High vibes, FUN, love, joy, abundance and sparkly MAGIC! (value = priceless)

  • Incredible inner transformation that has the potential to positively impact the rest of your life, including your business/career, money flow, romantic relationship(s), family, health, happiness, and more!

  • Total value = $266

  • Your price = Only $44!

Energy Exchange

Includes live class, meditation, replay, deep subconscious clearing and energy healing experience ($266 value).

Does this sound like you?

The Mariposa Magical Meditation is perfect for you if you:

  • Want to start to awaken your sacred sexual energy (otherwise known as life force, aliveness, and creation energy) in a safe, loving, lighthearted space

  • Love guided meditation and hypnotherapy (or looking for something new!)

  • Want to stay in a high vibration and embody love, joy, and abundance

  • Want to make love and make life magical!

  • Have a busy schedule and want spiritual support that is deep, meaningful, convenient, and easy to access

  • Believe in Angels, Fairies, Unicorns, Star Beings, and Dragons and want to connect more closely with them for ongoing energy activations and spiritual support

  • Note: The meditation circle is spiritual yet not associated with any particular religious or spiritual doctrine. Your belief system will be respected and honored.

Course curriculum

Subtitle here

    1. Welcome!

    2. Video 1: Class

    3. Video 2: Meditation

    4. Video 3: Post-Meditation Discussion

    5. Audio: Open Your Heart Love Activation Meditation

About this course

  • $44.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content